• ijastudy@gmail.com
  • +880 1327-250015, +8802223374566

University Overview

Founded in 2003, the University of Luxembourg is the only public university of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Multilingual, international and research-oriented, it is also a modern institution with a personal atmosphere.


Located in the heart of the European Union, the University of Luxembourg has made international cooperation one of its priorities and considers it an important tool to reach excellence in research and education.

This university is one of the few in the world to be multilingual and has students, researchers and professors from all over the world.

Moreover, student mobility is strongly promoted. One semester abroad is compulsory for all Bachelor students and many exchange opportunities are also on offer for Master or PhD students. For the latter, there is in particular the possibility of a joint supervision of thesis with a university abroad.

A series of agreements with partner universities throughout Europe, but also worldwide contribute to the promotion of student mobility. Some of these agreements also involve exchange of academic staff or common research projects.

Universities We Offer

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